Design Modification For Missing Link
structural designer
The project aims to modify or rebuild the six old missing links (urban bridges) in Eastern Thailand depend on their result of strength checking. The project also covers traffic demand survey for enlarging the missing link then providing calculation sheets and drawing accordance with the department of highways’ standard.
Project Duration
24 December 2018 – 29 July 2019
Contract Value
THB 265 Million (Approx. USD 8.8 Million)
Project Owner
Department of Highways, Ministry of Transport, Thailand.
Main Contractor
IEC-Thailand co., ltd.
Standard drawings form the department of highways provide the detail drawings of the bridge. My duty was making calculation sheets recheck those details. If there is any conflict, I must inform my senior to change to another member section that provided in the standard.
Comparing with the arduous tasks of Myanmar railways project, this project is easier in term of the number of buildings in the project. Furthermore, Bridge design especially urban bridge design has 3 members which are far less than building design; however, it has way more load combinations to be considered. During this month, I was awarded the Royal Thai Scholarship and being in the process of changing to an internship in the department of highways; due to this, I was not working on this project when it was completed.