Border Riverbank Protection Project
structural designer
Border Riverbank Protection Survey and Design Project Phase 7 contians seven river borders that are used as demarcations in Thailand, all of which combine to 1,899 km. Bank degradation and sedimental delivery mean loss and gain territories, leading to negative effect on international relationship. Therefore, this project was implemented to protect bank erosion and increase slope stability.
Project Duration
24 June 2019 – 16 August 2020
Contract Value
THB 34.9 Million (Approx. USD 1 Million)
Project Owner
Department of Public Works and Town Planning, Ministry of Interior, Thailand.
Main Contractor
BEACON Engineering Consultant Co., Ltd.
I was assigned to calculate slope stability calculation and select slope protection type; check drawings; cooperate with authority and main design company, under guidance of supervisor. The project comprises with 12 riverbank protections. The longest one is 1,505 m. They are separated into two types; 1. Changing geometry as slope stabilization reinforced with piles; hand-placed riprap revetment as erosion protection; dumped rock rip rap as slope protection; and rock filled mattress as toe protection. 2. Gabion retaining wall as slope stabilization; dumped rock riprap as slope protection reinforced with piles; and rock filled mattress as toe protection.
The image below show one of the boder riverbank protections I designed.
I was working in this project in middle period of design process. It gives me a new experience on cooperation with authority and main designer; also, field survey and residential interview. The most the primary navigable channel of a waterway that defines the boundary line between states. Thai and Myanmar have an agreement to update boundary line to the current thalweg every 5 years (last update 2018), consequently the current thalweg does not represent current boundary line. Thai authority could not construct riverbank protection outside boundary line even though some parts of riverbank is extending to Myanmar territory.