Oct 6, 2020
structural designer
Chi river is one of the main rivers in north eastern region in Thailand. Erosion has caused its geometry to change for several years, leading to personal loss and property loss of local residents. Therefore, this project was implemented to protect slope erosion and increase slope stability.
Jul 13, 2020
structural designer
Border Riverbank Protection Survey and Design Project Phase 7 contians seven river borders that are used as demarcations in Thailand, all of which combine to 1,899 km. Bank degradation and sedimental delivery mean loss and gain territories, leading to negative effect on international relationship. Therefore, this project was implemented to protect bank erosion and increase slope stability.
Jul 1, 2020
structural designer
Nong-Pla-Lhai Urban Road connects residential area and industrial area. It is 2-lane road connects 4-lane roads, causing bottleneck problem on both ends of the road. Therefore, it needs to be extended to 4-lane for better flow and logistics.
Jul 1, 2019
structural designer
The project aims to modify or rebuild the six old missing links (urban bridges) in Eastern Thailand depend on their result of strength checking. The project also covers traffic demand survey for enlarging the missing link then providing calculation sheets and drawing accordance with the department of highways’ standard.
Jan 2, 2019
structural designer
Yangon-Mandalay Railway Improvement Project Phase 2 aims to renovate and modernize the old railway facilities building. The project covered in the railway section between the city of Yangon and the city of Taungoo. The Project includes civil and track works, installation of signal & telecommunication systems, procurement rolling stock and consulting services.
May 30, 2016
site engineer
UOB (United Overseas Bank Limited) Operation Center Buildings Project is UOB operation center buildings, in the other word, UOB bank headquarter in Thailand. This project has two high-rise office building, 16 stories and 18 stories, and one four-story data center.